Lt. John Fete
The original officers of the 486th
taken in Columbia S.C. 1942
6U - Little Bea Hind one of the original planes
6V - Bottoms up one of the original planes
6K - I'll take You Home Again Kathleen Lost at Pompeii when Vesuvius erupted
6C - Prop Wash, one of the original planes taken in Catania Sicily
6E - Who Cares? Taken in Catania Sicily
Oh Happy Daze - One of the Originals
6D The Cowtown Avenger Maj Hackney's Plane an original too the squadron and the first plane to fly 100 missions
Another view of 6D
Sand Blower - This was Louis Keller - The squadron commander's plane - One of the Originals
6A - The original Sahara Sue
6B - The original Devil's Helper
The Dottie Lay-More an original plane
The Royal Flush - one of the originals
Leaky Lucy at Catania, Sicily
The camp at the base of Pompeii January 1944- March 1944