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The Planes of the 486th

6A Sahara Sue
42-32288 6A Sahara Sue after arriving in

After arriving in Egypt - Bob O'clock collection

Rick and Jeff Wolford Collection

6A Sahara sue 2.jpg
6A Sahara Sue.jpg
6A bone yard.JPG

Sahara Sue put into storage behind The Wolf          some time before the summer of 1944

              Courtesy of Mike Laney

6A  Sahara Sue II
     sn. 43-4019
Sahara Sue II crew.jpg
sahara sue.jpg
Sahara Sue II.jpg

The Rick and Jeff Wolford collection

Charles Cook Collection

6B The Devil's Helper
        SN 42-32309
42-32309 6B Devils Helper.jpg
The second 6B
   SN. 43-3481

The Bob O'clock collection

                     Catania, Sicily, September 1943                          

  Cpl. Stuczyk, Lt. Duskiewicz, Lt. Ohman, Lt. Murphy,

Front Row: S/Sgt. Brown, T/Sgt. Shinn, S/Sgt Helferich.  

                   486th Bomb Squadron War Diary 

2nd 6B.jpg
2nd 6b nose down.jpg

The World War photo collection

The 3rd 6B the devil's helper
             SN. 43-27487

B25J She received a direct hit from an 88Mm shell and went down on a mission over Campo near the Austrian border.   E.V. Mack, the pilot was the only survivor

GLP_0112 - Copy.jpg
GLP_57 - Copy.jpg

The Devil's Helper and crew just returned from a mission.  The          crew are as follows - Sgt J. Mignago, S/Sgt D. Linnabarry, Lt.                       Outlaw, Lt. J Galletin, Sgt. J. Sztyga, Cpl. H Roberts                  

                                       December 1944  

                         486th bomb squadron war diary



The Angelo Adams Collection

The Charles Cook Collection

6C Prop Wash
 SN. 42-53454

The first 6C crashed on November 15th 1943



Prop Wash.PNG

               Catania, Sicily 1943 Back from Left to right -                          T/Sgt. Dupuy, Cpl. George Deyoung, Lt. Hendricks,       

                           S/Sgt H.G. Walters, Lt. Howard,                          

           Front Row - Lt. Parham and T/Sgt/ Max Sandmeler

                        486th Bomb Squadron War Diary      

6C The kawani kid ii
       SN. 41-22980

The second 6C was a plane that transferred from the 310th B.G. and was lost at during the Eruption of Mt. Vesuvius at Pompeii

6C 2.jpg

The John Pulos Collection

6c vesuvius.JPG
6C vesuvius 2.JPG
 6C Oh-Kay
SN. 43-4074
6C (1) better.JPG
IMG_8387 (1).JPG

Clifton Bennet admiring the nose work - courtesy of Carole Bennett Tackett

OH Kay.jpg
6D Cow Town Avenger
     SN. 42-32316

Jan 25th 1944 - 486th Squadron War Diary


Today's mission was the 85th for 6D (316).  It is a B-25C, is one of the original ships brought from the States, and has more missions than any other plane in the Squadron.  Major (then Capt.) Hackney piloted her from the States, other
members of the crew being Lt. O'Clock, Lt. Moody, Sgts. Villard, Arnold, Kramer, and Falter.  She received modification at Bizerte, has 417 hours and 15 minutes to her credit, and has had five engines.  One engine was shot out Jan 14th on the raid on Pontecorvo bridge, when Lt. Glade brought her home with one rudder unusable.  On this mission the radio gunner bailed out.  She is crewed by T/Sgt. Max I. Hart, S/Sgt. Dellavan Guthridge, and Sgt. Robert Jones.  They say she has never gone to the Service Group for major repairs


Feb 24th 1944 - 486th Squadron Diary


Today's mission was the one-hundredth for 6D, “Cowtown Avenger.”  Lt. Milloway and S/Sgt. Max Hart have been eager to run up the record for her, and she's the first in the Group to reach the century mark

42-32316 6D The yardbird, later Cowtown

6D was one of the original squadron planes, it was flown over by Maj. Hackney and Lt. Bob O'clock and was originally known as yard bird.  The plane became Maj Hackney's and was named after his hometown. The first two photos come form the Bob O'clock Collection.

6d cowtown avenger.jpg

Standing left to right -SGT Hart (crew chief)

LT Duane Glade (Pilot) with the glasses, others unknown - Kneeling 1st one unknown, 2nd Delbert Gibson ( bombardier, Navigator) 3rd Wayne Hartsook (Co-Pilot) 

6E Who Cares?
  SN. 42-43472
6e who cares.jpg
6q 2.JPG

Rick and Jeff Wolford Collection

6E Who Cares Catina Sicily 43.PNG
The 2nd 6E Shark Mouth
        SN. 43-27728

July 3rd 1944


Big event of the day was the rough mission – another oil dump.  Lt. Pike's hydraulic brakes failed on his return and his ship barreled off the end of the runway and after losing the landing gear on the rough ground, slid to a stop in the gully 100 yards from the end of the strip and then crumpled in two about 12 feet from the tail.  Fortunately the ship did not burn and the crew experienced only a shakeup, except for Sgts. Diehl and McHale who were bruised

IMG_8128 (1).JPG
6E wrecked (1).JPG
The Third 6e Shark Mouth
            SN 43-28080

This Photo was taken by Nick Loveless Tail Gunner and Mission photographer

6e in the air.jpg
6E Mission to the Brenner Rail Line feb
donald Allen crew.jpg

Lt Donald Allen 2nd from the left standing

August 2nd 1944


Mission to France!  Conjectures are abundant; does this presage an early invasion?  Bets were made and as the time unfolds its poignant episodes the players will have cast their lot.  The mission was confirmed by PI as having destroyed the bridge.  The flak was heavy and a majority of the planes were holed.  One flak burst exploded within the right wing of Lt. Hill's ship and caused the ship to flip over.  Lt. Hill quickly cut the left engine and flew home.  Upon his arrival he again started the right engine and landed with a hole so big one could not reach across it with both arms outstretched.  Lt. Hill deserves more than praise for such handling and we hope he gets the DFC



                                      February 1945

Fresh back from a mission against the brenner rail lines

Top Row lt. g.p. davis, t/sgt w.f. powers, lt. r.e. donaldson,

s/sgt j.o. soggins.  Kneeling lt. C.A. horton, lt r.f. kennedy

                                    s/sgt G.s. bogart

                       486th Bomb Squadron War Diary

Aug 2nd.jpg
John R Hill article.PNG
6e dropping bombs.JPG
6E (1).JPG
6F San Antoneo Rose
       SN 43-27629
San Antoneo Rose

Rick and Jeff Wolford Collection

6G   43-28069 no name
6H    No Name
  SN 43-4063

Photos of 6H courtesy of the 57th Bomb Wing Association archive.

6H 2.jpg
6I - unkown
6J Ladies Delight
      SN 43-4033

Shot down by flak on April 4th 1945 while flying a phosphorus mission.  Pilot John L Ellis, Co-pilot Glen Medus, Bombardier Carl D Wilson, Radioman Joe Kulynych, Turret Gunner Robert King, and Tail gunner Puliegh Mason all survived and were taken prisoner.  The night before the mission Glen Medus was playing cards with Major Hackney.  He told the Major he had a bad feeling that if he wasn't taken off the phosphorus mission he wasn't coming back.  Hackney told him he couldn't take him off the mission.

6j with an escort of p-47             thunderbolts

ladies delight.jpg
6J 3.JPG
6J 2.JPG
6k I'll take you home again kathleen                         SN 42-64061 
6k ill take you home kathleen.jpg
6k  new (1).png
6k 8.PNG
6k 2.PNG

Courtesy of Mike Laney








6k I'll take you home again Kathleen II
                        sn 43-4061

6K flew her first mission against the Rail Yards at Orvieto, Italy on April 23, 1944.


On July 5, 1944, 6K’s nose gear hydraulics failed during landing, and the nose section, engines and propellers, were damaged.  Lt. Heathorn was the pilot.  This was 6K’s 36th mission and the target was the Ostiglia Fuel Dump.  On this mission, the formation was aggressively attacked by 8 ME 109s when the formation started its bomb run.  When 6K lost her nose, she also lost the majority of her name.  It was decided that after the new nose section was installed, that she would have to earn her name back by completing 100 total missions.


Information provided by Mike Laney

nose down.PNG

Courtesy of Bob Mell

nose down 2.PNG
100th mission.PNG
6k 4.PNG

Prior to 6K’s 100th Mission: Kneeling: T/Sgt Robert D. Stevenson, S/Sgt. Simon Levine, T/Sgt. Ralph Jones, T/Sgt. Rocco A. Petrozzi (Crew Chief); Standing: Lt. Robert J. Zywicke, Lt. Otis O. Outlaw, Lt. James D. Smith, Lt. Francis J. Gowski. Taken December 31, 1944. (M. Laney Collection c/o Rocco Petrozzi).

After 6K’s 100th Mission:  Corporal T. R. Peters and T/Sgt. Rocco Petrozzi celebrating 6K’s 100th mission.

(M. Laney Collection c/o Rocco Petrozzi)

After 6K’s 100th Mission:  Crew chief T/Sgt. Rocco Petrozzi  about to repaint the name on 6K after completing 100 missions, as promised.

(M. Laney Collection c/o Rocco Petrozzi)


Coming Home:  F/O Animan, F/O E. B. Noah, 1st Lt. Charles Wagaman, Sgt. Garland.  The Radio Operator Sgt. Burton Garber took this photo before take-off.


Courtesy of Charles "Doc" Wagamon

6l - rinky doo
  SN 43-2763
6L rinky doo.JPG
6m schnapps yo-yo
      SN 43-27709

1944 - 486th Squadron Diary


 Nov 5th -Lt. Brandle's ship did not return and it was last seen entering a cloud bank enroute to the target.  We expect word that he landed at another field.


Nov 6th -  Lt. Brandle and his crew have not returned – We are hoping fervently – !


Nov 8th -  No word on 6M and it is feared Lt. Brandle's ship is definitely “missing.”


Nov 10th -  Lt. Brandle's ship is now considered lost and to the memory of the crew we say “Happy Valhalla.”


On November 5th 1944 Schnapps Yo-Yo flew into a cloud bank and disappeared.  The ship was never scene again.  This particular incident was even used in Joseph Heller's "Catch-22".  You can read the full story in the stories section.  There is an article written by Nick Loveless, a tail gunner who witnessed the event.





6m 3.JPG

Captain Herbert Nafe and crew Cheif T/Sgt John A Whipple from the 486th Squadron Diary

6N The Old Mill
    SN 43-28073
6n old mill.JPG
6n 4.JPG
6N NO Name
SN 43-27784
6P Leaky  Lucy
   SN ??-?591

Jan 24th 1944 - 486th Squadron Diary


6P is a B-25C crewed by T/Sgt. Flynn and S/Sgt. Doyle.  Major Hackney brought her over from Deversoir and named her “Leaky Lucy.”  She was received in the squadron at Sfax, and has 333 hours and 52 combat missions.  Her armor, armament, and her virtues are similar to those of 6S.  The picture on her nose is that of a nude woman on a latrine


486th War Diary

6P No Name
 SN 43-27661
6p in flight.PNG
6p (1).jpg
6P 6.PNG
GLP_0111 - Copy.jpg
6R Camo Netted.jpg
6Q Noah's ARK
  SN 43-27784
6q 2.JPG
6R Out of Bounds
     SN 43-27662

28 Dec 1944 Plane 6R-662

Borovnica E. Railroad Viaduct, Yugoslavia

From Left to Right - SGT Grainger Bombardier, Lt. Espy Copilot, Sgt Smith Engineer/Turret gunner, Sgt Nick Loveless Photo/Tail gunner, Sgt Carter Radio/ Waist Gunner, Lt. PAul COntino Pilot

From the Collection of Nick Lovelss


Rick and Jeff Wolford Collection

                                    6S No Name
                                     SN ??-??39

Jan 24th 1944 - 486th Squadron Diary 


6S is a B-25D with 285 hours and 45 combat missions to her credit.  She has no name, and was a replacement in at Hergla.  She had waist guns and squadron-installed tail gun and armor on the floor of the bombardier's compartment and in the lower-turret well.  She is well liked, a fast ship, and ideal wing ship.  She has no picture on her nose.  Her crew chief is S/Sgt. Addision and assistants are Sgt. Frank Miller and S/Sgt. Kernicki.  She's given little trouble and hasn't had an engine change since we've had her.  She was shot up some by an ME 109 over Athens in November

































































6s original.JPG
6s 2.JPG
6S No NAme
SN 43-27700

57th Bomb Wing Archives

57th Bomb WIng Archive

Jeff Wolford Collection

     6t - ?
SN 43-27903
6T nose down.JPG
6u - lil bea hind 
     SN 42-53464
     6p - ?
SN 43-27661
lil behind.jpg
6U Lil Bea Hind II
     SN 43-27647
6U bombs away.jpg
6v - bottoms up 
   SN 42-53471
IMG_8322 (1).JPG
IMG_8191 (1).JPG
bottoms up wrecked.JPG
bottoms up.jpg
6V Bottoms up II
    SN 43- 4082

shot down on March 18th 1945




bottms up.PNG
6v crew.jpg
6V No Name
SN 43-27900

Rick and Jeff Wolford Collection

Rick and Jeff Wolford Collection

 6w - section 8 / idiot's delight
                sn 327-505

From the 486th bomb squadron war diary

6w dropping bombs.JPG
  SN 43-27491
unk nose art.jpg
6X#1 (1).JPG
         SN 43-27670

From left to right - Nick Loveless- tail gunner, Morris - Co Pilot, Michael Soltis- Pilot, K. Brown - Engineer/Turret Gunner, A. Morrow - Radio Operator. Courtesy of Nick Loveless

Unknown Planes that are believed to be 486th planes

  486th Bomb Squadron

    340th Bomb Group

© 2015 by  J. C. Gilley  Last updated  2019

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